Bookmarks tagged nintendo

25 Jul 2024 (Archive)
"On November 15, 2001, Bungie released its legendary first-person shooter for the original xBox. As a longtime fan of Halo: Combat Evolved, I 'm creating a faithful demake for the Game Boy Color using GB Studio."
22 Jul 2024 (Archive)
"WiiLink is an open source replacement for Nintendo's servers for both WiiConnect24 and Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, allowing online connectivity for all, even after the original servers were discontinued!"
30 May 2024 (Archive)
"Every modern game system from Nintendo has an iteration of the Super Smash Bros series, but old systems seem forgotten. Super Tilt Bro. is a homebrew for the NES porting the versus platformer style to our beloved system from the 1980's.

Let's go further and bring the new millennium to the NES. Integrating a Wi-Fi chip in the cartridge allows for online play."
"Mario Builder 64 is a toolbox letting you fulfill all of your SM64 dreams. Play one of the numerous user-made levels, or create a course pushing your imagination (and hardware) to its limits!"

Mario Maker romhack for Super Mario 64
Zelda 64: Recompiled is a project that uses N64: Recompiled to statically recompile Majora's Mask (and soon Ocarina of Time) into a native port with many new features and enhancements.
Sudachi is a Nintendo Switch emulator for Android, Linux, macOS and Windows, written in C++