Latest bookmarks (page 1 of 22)

17h ago (Archive)
This website is a curated collection of typefaces that are available under a variety of free licences somewhere on the interwebs.
25 Jul (Archive)
"On November 15, 2001, Bungie released its legendary first-person shooter for the original xBox. As a longtime fan of Halo: Combat Evolved, I 'm creating a faithful demake for the Game Boy Color using GB Studio."
25 Jul (Archive)
" manages decentralized distribution of podcasts using the IPFS network.

Podcast clients subscribe to the "IPFS Enabled" feed (a copy of the original feed). When a new episode is available, it is downloaded via IPFS Gateways. "
23 Jul (Archive)
"Tiny Awards exist to celebrate the personal internet, what we described last year as ‘the other web, the one that is small and handmade and isn’t trying to sell you anything or monetise anything but which instead is about people using the digital tools we all have access to to make the sorts of small, personal experiences that you tend not to see ‘in feed’’."
"A (not so) small python library for console (as in terminal) game development. It is developed as a framework to help learn development and python in an entertaining way. "
23 Jul (Archive)
Feedsearch provides a simple API for searching websites for RSS, Atom, and JSON feeds.

The long-term goal of Feedsearch is to provide a comprehensive, publicly accessible repository of feed information by saving the location and metadata of all crawled feeds.
22 Jul (Archive)
"WiiLink is an open source replacement for Nintendo's servers for both WiiConnect24 and Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, allowing online connectivity for all, even after the original servers were discontinued!"
22 Jul (Archive)
VNC Resolver is a website dedicated to showcasing all the insecure VNCs across the world. Last scan was done on May 10, 2023 and is currently ongoing.

(See a new VNC every hour at
19 Jul (Archive)
"Easily discover books and ebooks available at your local library!

As you browse books and e-books, the Library Extension can check your library's online catalog and display the availability of that item on the same page."
P2P terminal game about spacepirates playing basketball across the galaxy