Bookmarks tagged humor

Birb is an advanced programming language that only consists of bird emojis 🐣. Each emoji gets substituted by a combinator bird of pure lambda calculus.
1 Jul 2024 (Archive)
"Biden: I’m not even sure states exist.

Alexander: You’re . . . not sure states exist?

Biden: The Pledge of Allegiance says that America is “one nation, indivisible.” Taken seriously, we have pledged to regard America as not being composed of parts. It is, like God, a perfectly simple entity, not requiring further explanation. How, then, could it have states? I realize this position may seem strange. But I pledged to believe it, and I am a man of my word."
3 Jun 2024 (Archive)
Make your URL looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonger
"Welcome to the most unusual artifact to be discovered on the Superhighway de la Informatique : the really big button that doesn't do anything. Developed in early '94, labelled as the Mystery Spot of the Internet, thousands flock to this button every day, pushing it, attempting to get it to do something; all in vain. "
This package provides an essential feature that LaTeX has been missing for too long: It adds coffee stains to your documents. A lot of time can be saved by printing stains directly on the page rather than adding them manually.
Python Block Delimited Notation Parsing Explained