Bookmarks tagged guide

4 Oct 2024 (Archive)
Well-written easy-to-follow tutorial on creating a wrapper for a JSON API in python
"You’ve probably seen it on social media and in headlines around the web in the last few years: the fediverse. But what is it, really? A Boba Fett theme park? A Kevin Federline production? Some sort of cheese pun? In this first episode of the Fediverse Files, designer, illustrator, and fediverse expert ‪@DocPop‬ explains exactly what the fediverse is so that you can jump in today to start building community and sharing content. "
28 Nov 2023 (Archive)
I was looking around for the first Alice game on Steam and couldn't find it, but found this tutorial on how to get the files needed for Alice: Madness Returns to have the original game alongside it